10 Habits of The Highly Effective EntrepreneurAre you a small business owner trying to achieve success in your niche? Or maybe you want to increase your effectiveness in business and expand your reach and customer base? 10 Habits of The Highly Effective Entrepreneur by Karwanna D. is a must-read.The road to success is usually a rough and rocky one. Successful entrepreneurs therefore, need to master the art of being effective and disciplined both in business and in life. The 10 Habits outlined in this book point out areas you need to put small but key commitments to help you work smarter and eliminate wasted time and effort in your quest to being a successful CEO.It is said that Rome was not build in a day, and neither will your success as an entrepreneur be achieved overnight. But with constant daily efforts, self-correction and celebrating small wins, it is only a matter of time before you get to where you envision.Some of the lessons you can expect to take home from these pages include:- Building habits that push and motivate you to take action- Finding your own, unique path to building a successful business, and- Lessons to implementing tasks that bring clarity, balance and sense of directionMany leaders, business moguls and experts have incorporated these action steps into their lives and have experienced tremendous personal and professional growth and development. It is now time for you to enjoy the same!Welcome to the Becoming of a Highly Effective Entrepreneur! #TenHabitsofTheHighlyEffectiveEntrepreneur