Don’t Be A D.U.M.B. Business Owner, follows the Clear Path To Cash, an 8 lesson guide on how to maximize cash in any given business situation.The course is great for small business owners and their advisers, who are trying to solve cash flow problems, secure bank financing or looking to increase the value of their company. Mike Milan explains the concept of D.U.M.B. (Don’t Understand My Business) business owners which means that flying by the seat of your pants, isn’t the way to build a lifestyle friendly business that creates wealth for the owner.This book will arm new and seasoned business owners with the tools to better understand their business and avoid being D.U.M.B.Here's an excerpt:I lost ten years of my life. Yes, ten years. Lost might be a harsh term, but honestly, I just didn’t see it happen. Ten years had come and gone before I could stop to think about what I had done. I had lived the “average” entrepreneur’s dream and now lived to tell the story. At the time, it was chaos and bliss. I laughed and cried. I made mistakes and executed a few phenomenal successes. I wouldn’t trade a day of the last ten years. The nagging question I had was why did it have to be so hard? Why did I have weeks/months where I didn’t get a paycheck, so I could pay everyone else? I agonized over cash flow and even changed my business strategy completely to alleviate some of the pressure. I never felt like I was a D.U.M.B. business owner, but I was only kidding myself. Here is what I realized. My “trusted advisors” just talked over my head. I didn’t understand half of what they said, especially when they used words like solvency and leverage.