AN INNOVATIVE APPROACH Finsncial Accounting An Intrgratud Stutemnts Apprah is an innovative text that uses a. uniique pedagogical approach to enhance student learning of financial accounting Elesigned for a one-term financial accounting course, the text is written for either undergraduate stadents at two- or four-year colleges and univernities or by first-year MBA (Masters of Buninesi Administration) students with no prior accounting back- ground. The text combines a thorough understanding of accounting concepts, princi-ples, and repotting with applications to actual business settings. The text emphasizes the "why" rather than just "how" generally accepted accounting principles are applied. Using a unique lategrated Finencil Statements (IFS) Appvanch, the best describes and illustrates the integrated nature of the financial statements, how transactions alfect the statements, and the importance of using all the financial statements in analyzingg and interpreting a company's performance and financial condition. The IFS appronch is composed of LPS exhibits, IPS spreadsheets, and IPS margin notations. The text uses a simple to complex basic...755Page full of information